From The New Head Of School

Greetings! I am greatly excited to begin my twenty-fourth year in education here at First Preparatory Christian Academy! Having spent the last twenty-three years working in the public school system as an Administrator, teacher, and coach, I am thrilled to turn my attention and energy to FPCA. As an ordained minister, I have also served in many roles as Pastor, Youth Minister, Worship Leader, and Family Life Coordinator. I earned degrees from, Lee College (B.S.1990), Troy State University (Masters 2005), and Cambridge College (E.Ds., 2006).

My wife Casy and I enjoy traveling, camping, golfing, and many other outdoor activities. One of my favorite quotes to share with students is by Tim Duncan: “Good, better, best, never let it rest until your good is better, and your better is best!”

I look forward to meeting all of you.

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